Blue Leaf
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In this world of cookie-cutter-clutter, where sameness prevails, and options that can help me express who I am and how I feel about my friends, my loved ones and myself are few and out of my budget range – there is a place. A place for me. A unique place that’s a treasure, a place that brings together the most beautiful, whimsical, chic and original furniture and articles from all over the world. A place where I can stop for a house-make-over, or a pen, a wallet, a Parisian purse inspired by a chic foreign movie. Bed sheets from a dreamland, a stapler out of a museum. A place where the owner is a curator that will come to my house and bring her expert eye and exquisite taste, and a truck full of furniture for me to experience before I make up my mind. All at no charge.

A place that knows that the ideal chair, the right chandelier, the most original baby crib or the coolest watch, are, more than objects, companions on a journey, ambassadors of an emotion, the perfect expression of giving, to myself or to others.There is a place called Blue Leaf, where they welcome me with a smile. No matter what my budget, my age or my style.
Blue Leaf is for everyoneOur goal is to open up Blue Leaf to a wider spectrum of customers.

The reality is that Blue Leaf is a whimsical, hip, updated, and modern store that carries a variety of styles, and offers an amazing array of truly unique furniture and accessories from around the world that every budget can afford. We want Blue Leaf’s perception to match its reality.

A challenge. But at the same time, an intriguing way to show the different kinds of furniture and accessories Blue Leaf carries. We see Blue leaf furniture – chairs, lightening, accessories in places and situations where furniture belongs, but is surprisingly out of context. Makes a strong contrast between the ordinary and Blue Leaf, dramatically changing people’s perception of what the store carries. Also, a strong call to action.“Simply Unexpected”

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