MO Wearable Device
Product Design- Wellness Band - wearable device that will


Develop a new medical and personal assistant as wearable device "MO-Wellness Band". 
Wellness Band is a virtual assistant that monitors health parameters, stores medical and important data, records reminders has GPS and much more. Wellness Band will improves lifestyle by connecting device user, care giver, doctor and emergency personal in case emergency situations.

My goal is to create a wearable device that helps people with medical conditions navigate through the day and helps monitor vital signs and notify them about planned activities. Wellness Band will help you to take care of yourself or loved. ones. 

Responsive Web

UX Design, UI Design, Brand Identity

Sketch, Photoshop, Principle,,

Research finding was conducted by 23 survey participants and 4 interviews with caregivers. The key health issues that were reported that caregivers need to deal with their loved ones:

40% Alzheimer's
35% Dementia Patients 
13% Memory Problems

Most Important Bio Parameters
Top-box scoring indicated that the device monitoring ability scored highest in:
mood & energy (50%),
blood oxygen (48%),
body temperature (45%),
heart rate (45%), and
blood sugar (43%).
Most Important Features
Device features that are deemed important are the ability to provide action and alert services:
Panic Button, GPS Location, Voice Command Features, Storage of Monitoring Data, Remote delivery of vital Information, Contact Information.
Competitive analysis
Using Jakob Nielsen's Usability Heuristics, I conducted individual analysis of four competitor's MO wearable device. To better gauge where opportunities existed in the market as a whole, the websites and devices were analyzed as a group for any patterns; shared shortcomings or successes would help in later stages of development.

An assessment of the relative strengths and weaknesses of competitive products was assessed. While most are just alert-based, I found that my MO device needed to be health and tracking evaluation and prediction device as well as personal assistant. Hub between user, care giver, doctor and emergency services.

Keep caregivers informed on loved one’s condition 24/7.
Keeping healthcare professionals informed when alerts are concerning. Alert & monitoring is always real-time. Giving users confidence that the device is accurate at all times.
Identify core MVP and target audience as well as most needed Bio reading features & personal assistance features.
Develop the market analysis to identify the scope of my competitive advantage. Focus on the most needed parameter readings and identify what challenges people with medical conditions have throughout their day.
User central design solution, that will create a hub between caregiver, doctor and patient.
Wireless bio parameters will alert caregiver and doctors in second of danger. GPS locator will help locate user in case of emergency personal voice alert will remind of daily activities.

Personas & Empathy Map
Personas were created based on the research findings in order to profile the different user types. 

The caregiver’s struggles were identified and a deeper understanding of needs and helped make the device fit the needs each user.

Personas give better idea about MVP that needed to be develop. 
Scenarios & Storyboards
Layout the scenarios of how the device meets the needs and outlines the specific sequence of actions needed to achieve the goals.
User Flow or User Journey

Card sorting exercise was helpful in identifying where the Journey needs to be very intuitive and clear. Primary was ensuring the activation, registration, and preferences were easily found.

Secondary was the ease in adding the information and monitoring preferences. This included key contacts and the alerts they were most concerned about. 

Information flow is determent by different user to see problem from different points of view and prevent gaps and mistakes in development stages.
Sketching is very important step to problem solve before spending time layout prototype, also it communicating ideas visually.

While I did not create a physical prototype, I realized there were certain areas of the screen I needed to continue to think through and screens I had not previously anticipated. I was able to continually reference my actual dashboard which ultimately helped me simplify up the prototyping process.

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